It is nearing the end of 2011, and what a year for us it has been! It has been one of our busiest years yet, working with clients both old and new and creating some wonderful music along the way.
So what has happened since the last update?
We saw Echo Echo return to the studio, for 5 days this time to record 3 new tracks, check them out on their demos page. We also welcomed back studio regular Sue Heath and also got underway with the Little Raven sessions, recording 3 songs for their EP. The sessions were long but fruitful, with a lovely organic sound. We also managed to squeeze in a free day for prize winner Dan Ketteridge, as well as a chior recording for Stansted-based U3A.
Much of this month was taken over by Kaine and the sessions to record their debut Album. The first 5-day session was taken up solely by tracking drums and the second 5-day session carried on in much the same vein, however we did find some time to start tracking rhythm guitars and bass. Rhythm guitarist Dave “Rage” Sadler didn’t mind the time spent on drums too much though, as it gave him time to explore all the Super Nintendo games….
Chris was away on a 5-week trip to Mongolia so Ade essentially covered all work this month, which just so happened to be one of the busiest on record! Little Raven kept booking in to mix their tracks as well as another 5-day stint with Kaine and a weekend booking from regular clients The 87. We also managed to get Freesat installed somewhere in the middle of all this work, as well as buying a new flatscreen TV for the lounge…..don’t say we don’t look after our clients!
A new school year was looming and we started the month of working with Kaine (who else), before welcoming in new band De-Railed. the band hail from Harlow and won a free day at the studio as part of the “Rhodes Rocks” competition held in Bishop’s Stortford.
Chris started his GTP this month so Ade effectively took over all studio duties for the following year.
New band The Real Reason split a 4-day session over a 3-week period this month. The band had recorded with us before several times and under different aliases. This time we managed to get them a lovely big rock sound, thanks in no part to a raft of new plugins we splashed out on including new compressors and analogue tape/console emulations. Check the band out on their demos page.
October saw other sessions with Louise King, continued rehearsal time for the “Mind the Gap” band and further sessions with regular singer-songwriter Dave Garratt. We also found local talent in the shape of 15 year old Alice Clemens who will be working with Ade and guitarist Don Stick under their “Purple Noise Productions” guise. Alice can be heard on the Purple Noise Productions demos page HERE.
So that almost brings us up to date. The latter months of the year faced their inevitable slow down on the ramp up to Christmas, although we did see continued sessions from Dave Garratt, Little Raven, The 87 and Kaine so round of a fabulous year for the studio.
Merry Christmas all and we’ll see you in 2012!